Summer has officially ended and rain showers are now the mainstream. We’re usually caught in between our sheets enjoying the bed weather but this doesn’t mean that we can slack off in doing our skincare routine. Seasons change and your usual summer routine might not work for the rainy season. Here are some tips to make your skin monsoon-ready.

Wash your face at least two times a day. The rainy season can make our skin damp due to the added humidity and attracts more bacteria hence the possibility of getting skin irritations and acne. Washing off the excess oil and moisture can help lessen the chance of getting these skin problems.
Get a toner that doubles as face mist during the high humidity season. Toners are lifesavers just like face mists as it helps hydrate your skin and reduce excessive oil production. Lesser oil means a lesser chance of getting acne breakouts. Why not get a two-in-one product so you can save money and bring it wherever you go?

Do an effortless at-home skin treatment. You might get a little lazy to go to your favorite skin clinics during the rainy season so make sure to invest in serums and spot treatments that can address the damage caused by free radicals to help keep your skin looking young and glowing.
Exfoliate your skin. Exfoliation helps unclog pores and remove dead skin cells. Do you know what that means? That means it allows skincare products to penetrate deeper into your skin giving it a healthier glow.

Apply sunscreen. The dark skies can be a little deceiving but the UV rays of the sun can still penetrate through it. Always come prepared and apply sunscreen every single day.
Keep a lip balm handy. The lips are often neglected but it also needs some TLC as it dries up during the monsoon season. Use it to moisturize your lips as needed.

People with oily, acne-prone skin may need to take care of their skin more during the rainy season as they can become more oily due to the weather. Keep in mind that prevention is always better and it’s also good to take extra care of your skin even if you’re not oily and acne-prone. Add Wildleaf's Anti Acne Care Set into your routine. This set pumps natural ingredients deep into your skin to help stop acne-causing bacteria and prevent new breakouts from forming.
Want to learn more about Wildleaf? Discover our entire skincare line by visiting our online store. You may also send us a message on our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram), so we can assist you with your skincare needs. To find out what our customers think of our products, click on #wildleafstory.
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